Bag rubbed section of wall to cure damp problem.
We bag rubbed this small section to deal with a localised damp issue.

Gabel end and chimney rebuild.
The gabel end of this end of terrace was suffering from serious damp. We diagnosed a leaky chimney and a failing cement render. After rebuilding the chimney building in a lead tray we bag rub rendered the gabel and then lime painted it with beecks beeckacil colour 101 old white. Job done. All damp has...
Swan Pool St. From pebbledash with love.
This property was in a rather sorry state prior to us removing the pebble dash and fully Renovating it’s exterior. In the 1960s it had had a cement based false Georgian facade created. Everything was cement including the cills. We had to stitch together a reasonable amount of cracks with heli bar. We decided to...

Country mansion house
A few shots from a line render job on a beautiful country house near Truro. All hand formed corners onto brickwork. High end finish

Building Services / Eco Building Services / Lime Pointing / Lime Rendering / Pointing / Portfolio / Ragging / Baggrub render / Restoration / Traditional Building Services
Lower Town
View from kitchen Lime and timber Natural slate floor. Master bedroom with reclaimed victorian fire place. All the timber in this property came from a locally fallen tree. All structural timber, stairs and porch out of the same tree. the second room downstairs with a new opening to the courtyard . View of the main...

Building Services / Eco Building Services / Lime Pointing / Lime Rendering / Pointing / Ragging / Baggrub render / Restoration / Traditional Building Services
Colenso Cottage
This was a lovely little project . We worked alongside a standard builder. ragging the outside and pointing up the stairs and the Inglnook. The areas of lime pointing and the use of lighting have really worked giving this house a lovely feel. The sunlight on lime pointing up on the landing. Landing area pointed...
Nancherow cottage rejuvenation.
A wonderful couple have bought this charming cottage in tregeseal. There plan is to retire here. So we are aiming to give the cottage a new life. Lime rendering and plastering on the interior. While lime pointing the front. And cleaning off and repointing the Scantlel roof. It’s nice to be able to use lime...

Secret location in Devon.
I picked up a Wee bit of render up on a Manor House in Devon. 3 coat lime render all applied with a spray gun. It is rather a gritty mix. But I have a gritty crew to apply it. All hand finished no beading. Fun and games. Can’t wait to get a shot once...

Finally back from my wedding festivities.
I’m terribly sorry if I haven’t answered your calls or emails over the last couple of weeks. I’ve been in the procces of tying the knot with my lovly wife. My head has been in the clouds but I am returning to Earth to pick up my trowel. Bussiness as usual.

Geoff back on the tools.
Geoff worked with us 7 years ago. We reconnected recently and he expressed a desire to get back on the lime. A lovly little cottage repoint came up just round the corner from him and hay presto. Really glad to have him back on the team. We are lime pointing the bottom of the wall....

One then two cottages repointed near Cott Vally in St Just.
A lovly couple contacted me concerning there damp unsightly front of cottage. We gave them a price to repoint and there neighbour decided to get there’s repointed too!! Here are a couple of photos of the state of the pointing to start with. Standard hack out /jet wash. Then a touch with a needle...